Michael Wagner

Michael Wagner’s career in the financial services industry spans over 26 years and he is one of the founders of the American Pride Wealth Management Group. Michael joined Joseph Gunnar & Co. in 2009 as a Senior Managing Director. In 2022 he merged his team and joined Joseph Gunnar’s HQ team in the Brand new RXR Uniondale office. Michael is a graduate of the Military Intelligence School in Massachusetts, served in the United States Army active duty in the 732nd Military Intelligence Battalion and is also a wartime veteran. Michael holds the Series 7, 63, 65, 24 and 4 securities licenses and is also a licensed Life and Health Insurance agent.


There are risks involved with investing, including loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Actual events may cause adjustments in portfolio management strategies from those currently expected to be employed. No representation is being made that any investor will or is likely to achieve profits or losses. Diversification does not guarantee against loss. It is a method used to help manage investment risk.